Master of Science in Nursing RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration courses

RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration coursework overview

Coursework structured for your success

  • Capella sets the deadlines
  • Weekly online interactions
  • 24/7 courseroom access
  • Online

Planning for your degree

  • total quarter credits: 66
  • Quarter length: 10 weeks
  • Course length: 10 weeks
  • Break: 3 weeks between quarters

Course requirements

  • Core 7 courses
  • Specialization 4 courses
  • Practicum 2 courses
  • Bridge 3 courses

Example program course sequence

This example course sequence takes course prerequisites into account, so it can be helpful as a general guide when you register for courses. In GuidedPath, you can take up to three courses per quarter; the number of courses you take in a quarter and time it takes to complete your program can vary. Your academic coach can help answer any course registration questions.

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NHS5004 Core Communication, Collaboration, and Case Analysis for Master's Learners 4 quarter credits This course prepares learners for master's-level coursework in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Throughout the course, learners analyze how the role of the practitioner-scholar guides leadership in the health care field and determine the ways in which they can effectively use communication strategies expected of health care professionals. In particular, learners examine the attributes that contribute to effective and ethical health care leadership, including professional collaboration, communication, inclusion, and decision making. Must be taken during the learner's first quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. 4 quarter credits
NURS5003 Bridge Course Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health 4 quarter credits In this course, learners apply concepts, frameworks, and models used to foster health promotion and disease prevention, particularly in diverse and vulnerable populations. Learners evaluate individual and population wellness from multicultural, ethnic, traditional, and spiritual perspectives. Learners examine factors that cause disparities in wellness among people in diverse and vulnerable populations. By analyzing effective health assessment methods and communication strategies, learners identify best practices for developing a population-focused approach to health promotion and disease prevention. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits
NURS5005 Bridge Course Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology 4 quarter credits Learners in this course gain and demonstrate knowledge of nursing research, ethics, and information technology in health care settings. Learners apply the basic principles of nursing research and ways that information systems and patient care technologies contribute to improving patient outcomes. Learners also evaluate ethics in nursing research and scholarship and how evidence-based practice relates to the effective use of information technologies in nursing practice. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits
NURS5007 Bridge Course Leadership for Nursing Practice 4 quarter credits In this course, learners examine and apply theoretical concepts and leadership competencies for nursing practice. Learners evaluate evidence-based best practices and behaviors that support effective nursing leadership in health care settings, and analyze strategies for coordination, delegation, and goal setting and performance improvement. Learners also assess concepts and principles of health care policy, legal and regulatory issues, and quality control in health care and the nursing profession. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits
NHS6004 Core Healthcare Law and Policy 4 quarter credits Learners examine the political, legal, and regulatory issues impacting healthcare organizations and environments. Learners analyze the effects of healthcare policy on health care practice and service delivery, with particular emphasis on the strategies used to monitor and maintain legal and regulatory compliance. Learners also identify and apply healthcare policy and law concepts that promote organizational improvement. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: BHA3004 or MHA5001 or NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
Core NHS6008: Econ Decision Making Hlthcare - Core 4 quarter credits
NURS6011 Core Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health 4 quarter credits Learners acquire an understanding of the nature of evidence and its relative value and weight in making clinical decisions that impact patient and population outcomes. In particular, learners assess appropriate methods and analytic approaches in order to investigate, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence for potential solutions and innovations. For BSN and MSN learners only. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have complete NHS5004,; NURS5003,; NURS5005,; NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6016 Core Quality Improvement of Interprofessional Care 4 quarter credits Learners develop and demonstrate competence in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interprofessional quality improvement initiatives. Learners investigate models for quality improvement, with an emphasis on outcome identification and measurement. Learners also examine quality within the context of patient safety through adverse event and near-miss analyses. For BSN and MSN learners only. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004,; NURS5003,; NURS5005,; NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6020 Core Advanced Nursing Practice 1: Biopsychosocial Concepts 4 quarter credits Learners develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes in order to promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact the Institute of Medicines six domains of healthcare quality: Safe, Effective, Patient-centered, Timely, Efficient, and Equitable. For MSN learners only. Prerequisite: NHS5004, NHS6004, NHS6008, NURS6011, NURS6016. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6026 Core Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 2 4 quarter credits Learners in this course develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes that promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact population health, as defined by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. For MSN learners only. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration NURS6020 or NURS6021. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6200 Specialization Course Management and Leadership for Nurse Executives 4 quarter credits Learners develop and demonstrate knowledge of contemporary leadership and management concepts and theories relevant to a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Learners analyze the nurse leader's role in leading high-performing healthcare teams and examine the skills needed to collaborate with and create buy-in from stakeholders, colleagues, constituencies, and interdisciplinary teams. Learners also examine the impact of cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations on decision making and implement a future-looking strategic vision to ensure sustainable gains in quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite: NURS6020 or NURS6021; NURS6026. 4 quarter credits
NURS6222 Specialization Course Healthcare Safety and Quality Management 4 quarter credits Learners examine the nurse leader's role in helping to effectively integrate into healthcare delivery systems the quality and safety principles that inform evidence-based changes and best practices. Learners demonstrate an understanding of the ways they can measure healthcare quality and safety; monitor and assess patient safety and outcomes; develop a transparent system for identifying and resolving medical errors and adverse patient outcomes; use data to monitor and improve patient care and outcomes; and support a culture of quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits
NURS6224 Specialization Course Healthcare Technology and Informatics 4 quarter credits Learners gain and demonstrate the knowledge and skills nurse leaders need in order to utilize healthcare technology to enhance patient care and organizational outcomes. In particular, learners develop a strategy for technological integration and examine the ways in which they can use technology to evaluate patient data and organizational readiness. Learners also use the strategic planning process to assess, evaluate, and implement technology that promotes improved healthcare outcomes. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits
NURS6226 Specialization Course Advanced Operations and Finance Management 4 quarter credits Learners examine the nurse leader's role in establishing and managing an operations and capital budget. In particular, learners develop an understanding of how to incorporate variances or discretionary spending, manage the labor force within budget parameters, examine the availability and appropriate use of equipment and supplies, and apply finance principles to a strategic plan for achieving an organization's fiscal goals. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits
NURS6080 Practicum MSN Practicum: Professionalism in Person-Centered Care and the Workplace Environment 4 quarter credits Learners develop critical thinking skills, advanced knowledge, and preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at the practicum site of choice and record practicum experiences in a clinical log. During this practicum, learners begin the process of synthesizing professional and academic growth and practice while applying the content learned in the specialization courses to the practicum. Additionally, learners document progress, provide evidence of accomplishments, and track hours. Learners are required to completed 100 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Grading for this course is S/NS. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6100, NURS6108, NURS6112, NURS6116; or NURS6200, NURS6222, NURS6224, NURS6226; or NURS6400, NURS6422, NURS6424, NURS6426; or NURS6620, NURS6622, NURS6624. NURS6626; or NURS6410, NURS6412, NURS6414, NURS6416. 4 quarter credits
NURS6085 Capstone MSN Practicum and Capstone 6 quarter credits Learners in this course develop their critical thinking skills and gain advanced nursing knowledge in preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practice immersion experience under the supervision of a preceptor at a field site of their choice and demonstrate synthesis of professional and academic growth and practice by participating in a community of collaboration and sharing resources, experiences, and practice tips with their fellow learners. Throughout the practice immersion, learners also develop and maintain an electronic portfolio that includes coursework products, demonstrations of competency and outcome achievement, and practice experience documentation (number of hours, preceptor evaluations, achievement of objectives, and contributions to the organization). Learners are required to completed 200 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Grading for this course is S/NS. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite: NURS6080. 6 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Core course requirements

Complete at least 28 quarter credits in the core courses category. Choose from the courses shown below.

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NHS6004 Core Healthcare Law and Policy 4 quarter credits Learners examine the political, legal, and regulatory issues impacting healthcare organizations and environments. Learners analyze the effects of healthcare policy on health care practice and service delivery, with particular emphasis on the strategies used to monitor and maintain legal and regulatory compliance. Learners also identify and apply healthcare policy and law concepts that promote organizational improvement. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: BHA3004 or MHA5001 or NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6011 Core Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health 4 quarter credits Learners acquire an understanding of the nature of evidence and its relative value and weight in making clinical decisions that impact patient and population outcomes. In particular, learners assess appropriate methods and analytic approaches in order to investigate, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence for potential solutions and innovations. For BSN and MSN learners only. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have complete NHS5004,; NURS5003,; NURS5005,; NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6020 Core Advanced Nursing Practice 1: Biopsychosocial Concepts 4 quarter credits Learners develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes in order to promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact the Institute of Medicines six domains of healthcare quality: Safe, Effective, Patient-centered, Timely, Efficient, and Equitable. For MSN learners only. Prerequisite: NHS5004, NHS6004, NHS6008, NURS6011, NURS6016. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NHS5004 Core Communication, Collaboration, and Case Analysis for Master's Learners 4 quarter credits This course prepares learners for master's-level coursework in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Throughout the course, learners analyze how the role of the practitioner-scholar guides leadership in the health care field and determine the ways in which they can effectively use communication strategies expected of health care professionals. In particular, learners examine the attributes that contribute to effective and ethical health care leadership, including professional collaboration, communication, inclusion, and decision making. Must be taken during the learner's first quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. 4 quarter credits
MHA5008 Core Health Care Economics and Decision Making 4 quarter credits This course focuses on concepts, principles, issues, and trends in health care economics and the economic decision-making practices employed in the health care environment. Learners analyze the political, legal, regulatory, organizational, demographical, and multicultural implications of business decisions on health care economics; evaluate the ways economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making; and demonstrate performance monitoring and process management measures as part of the decision-making process. Learners also examine cost-effective problem solving; community- and population-based orientation; and effective use of health care market research, analysis, and assessment. 4 quarter credits
NHS6008 Core Economics and Decision Making in Healthcare 4 quarter credits Learners develop and demonstrate concepts, principles, issues, and trends in healthcare economics and the economic decision-making practices employed in the healthcare environment. Learners analyze the political, legal, regulatory, organizational, demographical, and multicultural implications of business decisions on healthcare economics; explore the ways economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making; and practice applying performance monitoring and process management measures as part of the decision-making process. Learners also examine cost-effective problem solving; community- and population-based orientation; and effective use of healthcare market research, analysis, and assessment. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: MHA5001 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6016 Core Quality Improvement of Interprofessional Care 4 quarter credits Learners develop and demonstrate competence in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interprofessional quality improvement initiatives. Learners investigate models for quality improvement, with an emphasis on outcome identification and measurement. Learners also examine quality within the context of patient safety through adverse event and near-miss analyses. For BSN and MSN learners only. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer. Prerequisite: NHS4000 or NURS4000 or NURS6201 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004,; NURS5003,; NURS5005,; NURS5007. 4 quarter credits
NURS6026 Core Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 2 4 quarter credits Learners in this course develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes that promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact population health, as defined by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. For MSN learners only. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration NURS6020 or NURS6021. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, Nursing Education, Nursing Informatics, and Nursing Leadership and Administration learners must have completed NHS5004, NURS5003, NURS5005, NURS5007. 4 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Specialization course requirements

Complete at least 16 quarter credits from the specialization courses shown below.

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NURS6200 Specialization Course Management and Leadership for Nurse Executives 4 quarter credits Learners develop and demonstrate knowledge of contemporary leadership and management concepts and theories relevant to a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Learners analyze the nurse leader's role in leading high-performing healthcare teams and examine the skills needed to collaborate with and create buy-in from stakeholders, colleagues, constituencies, and interdisciplinary teams. Learners also examine the impact of cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations on decision making and implement a future-looking strategic vision to ensure sustainable gains in quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite: NURS6020 or NURS6021; NURS6026. 4 quarter credits
NURS6224 Specialization Course Healthcare Technology and Informatics 4 quarter credits Learners gain and demonstrate the knowledge and skills nurse leaders need in order to utilize healthcare technology to enhance patient care and organizational outcomes. In particular, learners develop a strategy for technological integration and examine the ways in which they can use technology to evaluate patient data and organizational readiness. Learners also use the strategic planning process to assess, evaluate, and implement technology that promotes improved healthcare outcomes. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits
NURS6222 Specialization Course Healthcare Safety and Quality Management 4 quarter credits Learners examine the nurse leader's role in helping to effectively integrate into healthcare delivery systems the quality and safety principles that inform evidence-based changes and best practices. Learners demonstrate an understanding of the ways they can measure healthcare quality and safety; monitor and assess patient safety and outcomes; develop a transparent system for identifying and resolving medical errors and adverse patient outcomes; use data to monitor and improve patient care and outcomes; and support a culture of quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits
NURS6226 Specialization Course Advanced Operations and Finance Management 4 quarter credits Learners examine the nurse leader's role in establishing and managing an operations and capital budget. In particular, learners develop an understanding of how to incorporate variances or discretionary spending, manage the labor force within budget parameters, examine the availability and appropriate use of equipment and supplies, and apply finance principles to a strategic plan for achieving an organization's fiscal goals. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6026; NURS6020 or NURS6021 4 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Practicum course requirements

Complete at least 4 quarter credits from the practicum courses shown below.

Show all descriptions
NURS6080 Practicum MSN Practicum: Professionalism in Person-Centered Care and the Workplace Environment 4 quarter credits Learners develop critical thinking skills, advanced knowledge, and preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at the practicum site of choice and record practicum experiences in a clinical log. During this practicum, learners begin the process of synthesizing professional and academic growth and practice while applying the content learned in the specialization courses to the practicum. Additionally, learners document progress, provide evidence of accomplishments, and track hours. Learners are required to completed 100 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Grading for this course is S/NS. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite(s): NURS6100, NURS6108, NURS6112, NURS6116; or NURS6200, NURS6222, NURS6224, NURS6226; or NURS6400, NURS6422, NURS6424, NURS6426; or NURS6620, NURS6622, NURS6624. NURS6626; or NURS6410, NURS6412, NURS6414, NURS6416. 4 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Capstone courses

In your final quarter, complete a capstone course for a total of 6 quarter credits.

Show all descriptions
NURS6085 Capstone MSN Practicum and Capstone 6 quarter credits Learners in this course develop their critical thinking skills and gain advanced nursing knowledge in preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practice immersion experience under the supervision of a preceptor at a field site of their choice and demonstrate synthesis of professional and academic growth and practice by participating in a community of collaboration and sharing resources, experiences, and practice tips with their fellow learners. Throughout the practice immersion, learners also develop and maintain an electronic portfolio that includes coursework products, demonstrations of competency and outcome achievement, and practice experience documentation (number of hours, preceptor evaluations, achievement of objectives, and contributions to the organization). Learners are required to completed 200 practicum hours. For MSN learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Grading for this course is S/NS. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer or credit for prior learning. Prerequisite: NURS6080. 6 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.


Bridge course requirements

Complete at least 12 quarter credits in the core courses category. Choose from the courses shown below.


Show all descriptions
NURS5003 Bridge Course Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health 4 quarter credits In this course, learners apply concepts, frameworks, and models used to foster health promotion and disease prevention, particularly in diverse and vulnerable populations. Learners evaluate individual and population wellness from multicultural, ethnic, traditional, and spiritual perspectives. Learners examine factors that cause disparities in wellness among people in diverse and vulnerable populations. By analyzing effective health assessment methods and communication strategies, learners identify best practices for developing a population-focused approach to health promotion and disease prevention. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits
NURS5007 Bridge Course Leadership for Nursing Practice 4 quarter credits In this course, learners examine and apply theoretical concepts and leadership competencies for nursing practice. Learners evaluate evidence-based best practices and behaviors that support effective nursing leadership in health care settings, and analyze strategies for coordination, delegation, and goal setting and performance improvement. Learners also assess concepts and principles of health care policy, legal and regulatory issues, and quality control in health care and the nursing profession. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits
NURS5005 Bridge Course Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology 4 quarter credits Learners in this course gain and demonstrate knowledge of nursing research, ethics, and information technology in health care settings. Learners apply the basic principles of nursing research and ways that information systems and patient care technologies contribute to improving patient outcomes. Learners also evaluate ethics in nursing research and scholarship and how evidence-based practice relates to the effective use of information technologies in nursing practice. For MSN learners only. 4 quarter credits


At least 66 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Coursework tailored to your learning preferences

  • Set your own deadlines
  • Complete courses at your pace
  • Support when you need it
  • Online

Planning for your degree

  • total program points: 33
  • Monthly start dates
  • Session length: 12 weeks

Course requirements

  • Core 7 courses
  • Specialization 4 courses
  • Practicum 2 courses
  • Bridge 3 courses

Example program course sequence

This example course sequence takes course prerequisites into account, so it can be helpful as a general guide when you register for courses. In the FlexPath format, you can take a maximum of two courses at a time, and the time it takes for you to complete your program can vary. Check in with your academic coach to get help with course registration questions.

Show all descriptions
NHS-FPX5004 Core Communication, Collaboration, and Case Analysis for Master's Learners 2 program points This course prepares learners for master's-level coursework in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Throughout the course, learners analyze how the role of the practitioner-scholar guides leadership in the healthcare field and determine the ways in which they can effectively use communication strategies expected of healthcare professionals. In particular, learners examine the attributes that contribute to effective and ethical healthcare leadership, including professional collaboration, communication, inclusion, and decision making. Must be taken by learners in their first quarter. 2 program points
NURS-FPX5003 Bridge Course Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health 2 program points In this course, learners apply concepts, frameworks, and models used to foster health promotion and disease prevention, particularly in diverse and vulnerable populations. Learners evaluate individual and population wellness from multicultural, ethnic, traditional, and spiritual perspectives. Learners examine factors that cause disparities in wellness among people in diverse and vulnerable populations. By analyzing effective health assessment methods and communication strategies, learners identify best practices for developing a population-focused approach to health promotion and disease prevention. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points
NURS-FPX5005 Bridge Course Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology 2 program points Learners in this course gain and demonstrate knowledge of nursing research, ethics, and information technology in health care settings. Learners apply the basic principles of nursing research and ways that information systems and patient care technologies contribute to improving patient outcomes. Learners also evaluate ethics in nursing research and scholarship and how evidence-based practice relates to the effective use of information technologies in nursing practice. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points
NURS-FPX5007 Bridge Course Leadership for Nursing Practice 2 program points In this course, learners examine and apply theoretical concepts and leadership competencies for nursing practice. Learners evaluate evidence-based best practices and behaviors that support effective nursing leadership in health care settings, and analyze strategies for coordination, delegation, and goal setting and performance improvement. Learners also assess concepts and principles of health care policy, legal and regulatory issues, and quality control in health care and the nursing profession. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points
NHS-FPX6004 Core Healthcare Law and Policy 2 program points Learners examine the political, legal, and regulatory issues impacting healthcare organizations and environments. Learners analyze the effects of healthcare policy on healthcare practice and service delivery, with particular emphasis on the strategies used to monitor and maintain legal and regulatory compliance. Learners also identify and apply healthcare policy and law concepts that promote organizational improvement. Prerequisite: BHA-FPX3004 or MHA-FPX5001 or NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NHS-FPX6008 Core Economics and Decision Making in Healthcare 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate concepts, principles, issues, and trends in healthcare economics and the economic decision-making practices employed in the healthcare environment. Learners analyze the political, legal, regulatory, organizational, demographical, and multicultural implications of business decisions on healthcare economics; explore the ways economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making; and practice applying performance monitoring and process management measures as part of the decision-making process. Learners also examine cost-effective problem solving; community- and population-based orientation; and effective use of healthcare market research, analysis, and assessment. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS- FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6011 Core Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health 2 program points Learners acquire an understanding of the nature of evidence and its relative value and weight in making clinical decisions that impact patient and population outcomes. In particular, learners assess appropriate methods and analytic approaches in order to investigate, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence for potential solutions and innovations. For Accelerated Master's Pathway, BSN/MSN and MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS- FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6016 Core Quality Improvement of Interprofessional Care 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate competence in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interprofessional quality improvement initiatives. Learners investigate models for quality improvement, with an emphasis on outcome identification and measurement. Learners also examine quality within the context of patient safety through adverse event and near-miss analyses. For Accelerated Master's Pathway, BSN/MSN and MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS- FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6020 Core Advanced Nursing Practice 1: Biopsychosocial Concepts 2 program points Learners develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes in order to promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact the Institute of Medicine's six domains of healthcare quality: Safe, Effective, Patient-centered, Timely, Efficient, and Equitable. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX5004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FPX6008, NURS-FPX6011, NURS-FPX6016. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6026 Core Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 2 2 program points Learners in this course develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes that promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact population health, as defined by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed MSN5000 or NHS-FP5004 or NHS-FPX5004; MSN-FP5003 or NURS-FPX5003; MSN-FP5005 or NURS-FPX5005; MSN-FP5007 or NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6200 Specialization Course Management and Leadership for Nurse Executives 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate knowledge of contemporary leadership and management concepts and theories relevant to a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Learners analyze the nurse leader¿s role in leading high-performing healthcare teams and examine the skills needed to collaborate with and create buy-in from stakeholders, colleagues, constituencies, and interdisciplinary teams. Learners also examine the impact of cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations on decision making and implement a future-looking strategic vision to ensure sustainable gains in quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite: NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021; NURS-FPX6026. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6222 Specialization Course Healthcare Safety and Quality Management 2 program points Learners examine the nurse leader's role in helping to effectively integrate into healthcare delivery systems the quality and safety principles that inform evidence-based changes and best practices. Learners demonstrate an understanding of the ways they can measure healthcare quality and safety; monitor and assess patient safety and outcomes; develop a transparent system for identifying and resolving medical errors and adverse patient outcomes; use data to monitor and improve patient care and outcomes; and support a culture of quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points
NURS-FPX6224 Specialization Course Healthcare Technology and Informatics 2 program points Learners gain and demonstrate the knowledge and skills nurse leaders need in order to utilize healthcare technology to enhance patient care and organizational outcomes. In particular, learners develop a strategy for technological integration and examine the ways in which they can use technology to evaluate patient data and organizational readiness. Learners also use the strategic planning process to assess, evaluate, and implement technology that promotes improved healthcare outcomes. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN , FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points
NURS-FPX6226 Specialization Course Advanced Operations and Finance Management 2 program points Learners examine the nurse leader's role in establishing and managing an operations and capital budget. In particular, learners develop an understanding of how to incorporate variances or discretionary spending, manage the labor force within budget parameters, examine the availability and appropriate use of equipment and supplies, and apply finance principles to a strategic plan for achieving an organization's fiscal goals. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points
NURS-FPX6080 Practicum MSN Practicum: Professionalism in Person-Centered Care and the Workplace Environment 2 program points Learners develop critical thinking skills, advanced knowledge, and preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at the practicum site of choice and record practicum experiences in a clinical log. During this practicum, learners begin the process of synthesizing professional and academic growth and practice while applying the content learned in the specialization courses to the practicum. Additionally, learners document progress, provide evidence of accomplishments, and track hours. Learners are required to completed 100 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6100, NURS-FPX6108, NURS-FPX6112, NURS-FPX6116; or NURS-FPX6200, NURS-FPX6222, NURS-FPX6224, NURS-FPX6226; or NURS-FPX6400, NURS-FPX6422, NURS-FPX6424, NURS-FPX6426; or NURS-FPX6620, NURS-FPX6622, NURS-FPX6624. NURS-FPX6626; or NURS-FPX6410, NURS-FPX6412, NURS-FPX6414, NURS-FPX6416. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6085 Capstone MSN Practicum and Capstone 3 program points Learners in this course develop their critical thinking skills and gain advanced nursing knowledge in preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at a field site of their choice and demonstrate synthesis of professional and academic growth and practice by participating in a community of collaboration and sharing resources, experiences, and practice tips with their fellow learners. Throughout the practicum, learners also develop and maintain an electronic portfolio that includes course work products, demonstrations of competency and outcome achievement, and practice experience documentation (number of hours, preceptor evaluations, achievement of objectives, and contributions to the organization). Learners are required to completed 200 practicum hours. For MSN , FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite: NURS-FPX6080. 3 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Core course requirements

Choose 14 program points with a minimum of 2 program points from each category. Choose from the courses shown below.

Show all descriptions
NHS-FPX5004 Core Communication, Collaboration, and Case Analysis for Master's Learners 2 program points This course prepares learners for master's-level coursework in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Throughout the course, learners analyze how the role of the practitioner-scholar guides leadership in the healthcare field and determine the ways in which they can effectively use communication strategies expected of healthcare professionals. In particular, learners examine the attributes that contribute to effective and ethical healthcare leadership, including professional collaboration, communication, inclusion, and decision making. Must be taken by learners in their first quarter. 2 program points
NHS-FPX6004 Core Healthcare Law and Policy 2 program points Learners examine the political, legal, and regulatory issues impacting healthcare organizations and environments. Learners analyze the effects of healthcare policy on healthcare practice and service delivery, with particular emphasis on the strategies used to monitor and maintain legal and regulatory compliance. Learners also identify and apply healthcare policy and law concepts that promote organizational improvement. Prerequisite: BHA-FPX3004 or MHA-FPX5001 or NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NHS-FPX6008 Core Economics and Decision Making in Healthcare 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate concepts, principles, issues, and trends in healthcare economics and the economic decision-making practices employed in the healthcare environment. Learners analyze the political, legal, regulatory, organizational, demographical, and multicultural implications of business decisions on healthcare economics; explore the ways economic and stakeholder influences affect operational planning and decision making; and practice applying performance monitoring and process management measures as part of the decision-making process. Learners also examine cost-effective problem solving; community- and population-based orientation; and effective use of healthcare market research, analysis, and assessment. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS- FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6011 Core Evidence-Based Practice for Patient-Centered Care and Population Health 2 program points Learners acquire an understanding of the nature of evidence and its relative value and weight in making clinical decisions that impact patient and population outcomes. In particular, learners assess appropriate methods and analytic approaches in order to investigate, evaluate, and synthesize the best available evidence for potential solutions and innovations. For Accelerated Master's Pathway, BSN/MSN and MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS- FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6016 Core Quality Improvement of Interprofessional Care 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate competence in the design, implementation, and evaluation of interprofessional quality improvement initiatives. Learners investigate models for quality improvement, with an emphasis on outcome identification and measurement. Learners also examine quality within the context of patient safety through adverse event and near-miss analyses. For Accelerated Master's Pathway, BSN/MSN and MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX4000 or NURS-FPX4000 or completion of or concurrent enrollment in NHS-FPX5004. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS- FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6020 Core Advanced Nursing Practice 1: Biopsychosocial Concepts 2 program points Learners develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes in order to promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact the Institute of Medicine's six domains of healthcare quality: Safe, Effective, Patient-centered, Timely, Efficient, and Equitable. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: NHS-FPX5004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FPX6008, NURS-FPX6011, NURS-FPX6016. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed NHS-FPX5004, NURS-FPX5003, NURS-FPX5005, NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6026 Core Biopsychosocial Concepts for Advanced Nursing Practice 2 2 program points Learners in this course develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to integrate select biopsychosocial concepts into professional processes that promote quality and cost-effective patient and systems outcomes, with particular emphasis on the ways in which these concepts impact population health, as defined by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021. RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; and Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option learners must have completed MSN5000 or NHS-FP5004 or NHS-FPX5004; MSN-FP5003 or NURS-FPX5003; MSN-FP5005 or NURS-FPX5005; MSN-FP5007 or NURS-FPX5007. 2 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Specialization course requirements

Choose 8 program points with a minimum of 2 program points from each category. Choose from the courses shown below.

Show all descriptions
NURS-FPX6200 Specialization Course Management and Leadership for Nurse Executives 2 program points Learners develop and demonstrate knowledge of contemporary leadership and management concepts and theories relevant to a variety of healthcare delivery settings. Learners analyze the nurse leader¿s role in leading high-performing healthcare teams and examine the skills needed to collaborate with and create buy-in from stakeholders, colleagues, constituencies, and interdisciplinary teams. Learners also examine the impact of cultural, ethical, and regulatory considerations on decision making and implement a future-looking strategic vision to ensure sustainable gains in quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite: NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021; NURS-FPX6026. 2 program points
NURS-FPX6222 Specialization Course Healthcare Safety and Quality Management 2 program points Learners examine the nurse leader's role in helping to effectively integrate into healthcare delivery systems the quality and safety principles that inform evidence-based changes and best practices. Learners demonstrate an understanding of the ways they can measure healthcare quality and safety; monitor and assess patient safety and outcomes; develop a transparent system for identifying and resolving medical errors and adverse patient outcomes; use data to monitor and improve patient care and outcomes; and support a culture of quality and safety. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points
NURS-FPX6224 Specialization Course Healthcare Technology and Informatics 2 program points Learners gain and demonstrate the knowledge and skills nurse leaders need in order to utilize healthcare technology to enhance patient care and organizational outcomes. In particular, learners develop a strategy for technological integration and examine the ways in which they can use technology to evaluate patient data and organizational readiness. Learners also use the strategic planning process to assess, evaluate, and implement technology that promotes improved healthcare outcomes. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN , FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points
NURS-FPX6226 Specialization Course Advanced Operations and Finance Management 2 program points Learners examine the nurse leader's role in establishing and managing an operations and capital budget. In particular, learners develop an understanding of how to incorporate variances or discretionary spending, manage the labor force within budget parameters, examine the availability and appropriate use of equipment and supplies, and apply finance principles to a strategic plan for achieving an organization's fiscal goals. Learners are required to complete 50 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6026; NURS-FPX6020 or NURS-FPX6021 2 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

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NURS-FPX6080 Practicum MSN Practicum: Professionalism in Person-Centered Care and the Workplace Environment 2 program points Learners develop critical thinking skills, advanced knowledge, and preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at the practicum site of choice and record practicum experiences in a clinical log. During this practicum, learners begin the process of synthesizing professional and academic growth and practice while applying the content learned in the specialization courses to the practicum. Additionally, learners document progress, provide evidence of accomplishments, and track hours. Learners are required to completed 100 practicum hours. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite(s): NURS-FPX6100, NURS-FPX6108, NURS-FPX6112, NURS-FPX6116; or NURS-FPX6200, NURS-FPX6222, NURS-FPX6224, NURS-FPX6226; or NURS-FPX6400, NURS-FPX6422, NURS-FPX6424, NURS-FPX6426; or NURS-FPX6620, NURS-FPX6622, NURS-FPX6624. NURS-FPX6626; or NURS-FPX6410, NURS-FPX6412, NURS-FPX6414, NURS-FPX6416. 2 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Capstone course requirements

The capstone course is a requirement for your final quarter and is a total of 3 program points.

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NURS-FPX6085 Capstone MSN Practicum and Capstone 3 program points Learners in this course develop their critical thinking skills and gain advanced nursing knowledge in preparation for master's-level nursing practice in a designated specialization. Learners create and implement a personalized practicum experience under the supervision of a preceptor at a field site of their choice and demonstrate synthesis of professional and academic growth and practice by participating in a community of collaboration and sharing resources, experiences, and practice tips with their fellow learners. Throughout the practicum, learners also develop and maintain an electronic portfolio that includes course work products, demonstrations of competency and outcome achievement, and practice experience documentation (number of hours, preceptor evaluations, achievement of objectives, and contributions to the organization). Learners are required to completed 200 practicum hours. For MSN , FlexPath option learners only. Special permission is required for registration. Prerequisite: NURS-FPX6080. 3 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Bridge course requirements

Choose 6 program points with a minimum of 2 program points from each category. Choose from the courses shown below.

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NURS-FPX5003 Bridge Course Health Assessment and Promotion for Disease Prevention in Population-Focused Health 2 program points In this course, learners apply concepts, frameworks, and models used to foster health promotion and disease prevention, particularly in diverse and vulnerable populations. Learners evaluate individual and population wellness from multicultural, ethnic, traditional, and spiritual perspectives. Learners examine factors that cause disparities in wellness among people in diverse and vulnerable populations. By analyzing effective health assessment methods and communication strategies, learners identify best practices for developing a population-focused approach to health promotion and disease prevention. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points
NURS-FPX5005 Bridge Course Introduction to Nursing Research, Ethics, and Technology 2 program points Learners in this course gain and demonstrate knowledge of nursing research, ethics, and information technology in health care settings. Learners apply the basic principles of nursing research and ways that information systems and patient care technologies contribute to improving patient outcomes. Learners also evaluate ethics in nursing research and scholarship and how evidence-based practice relates to the effective use of information technologies in nursing practice. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points
NURS-FPX5007 Bridge Course Leadership for Nursing Practice 2 program points In this course, learners examine and apply theoretical concepts and leadership competencies for nursing practice. Learners evaluate evidence-based best practices and behaviors that support effective nursing leadership in health care settings, and analyze strategies for coordination, delegation, and goal setting and performance improvement. Learners also assess concepts and principles of health care policy, legal and regulatory issues, and quality control in health care and the nursing profession. For MSN, FlexPath option learners only. 2 program points


At least 33 program points

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

† Learners are responsible for the cost of their travel, accommodations, food, and other expenses associated with NURS-FPX6030.

Capella University is not currently accepting applications for the MSN program from Alabama residents.

Learners enrolled in the RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership Administration, FlexPath specialization are required to maintain a current, unrestricted RN license throughout their program.

Learners enrolled in a Capella nursing program in the FlexPath learning format will become ineligible to enroll in the MSN – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (MSN-AGPCNP) or MSN – Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) specializations if they progress through certain coursework in any of the following courses: NHS-FP6004, NHS-FPX6004, NHS-FP6008, NHS-FPX6008, MSN-FP6011, NURS-FP6011, NURS-FPX6011, MSN-FP6016, NURS-FP6016 or NURS-FPX6016. FlexPath courses cannot be transferred into the MSN-AGPCNP or MSN-FNP specializations. To learn more, contact a Capella coach or call enrollment services at 1.866.736.1751.

GuidedPath courses and FlexPath courses fulfill the program requirements and prerequisites for each delivery model.


Learners enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program with a specialization in Care Coordination; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination; Care Coordination, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Care Coordination, FlexPath option; Nursing Education; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education; Nursing Education, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Education, FlexPath option; Nursing Informatics; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics; Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; RN-to-MSN Nursing Informatics, FlexPath option; Nursing Leadership and Administration; RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration; Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option; or RN-to-MSN Nursing Leadership and Administration, FlexPath option are required to complete 500 documented hours of hands-on practicum experience.

The practicum experience requires learners to synthesize and expand the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program by applying evidence-based methods to practice. Learners are responsible for finding an appropriate preceptor to oversee the practicum experience. With their preceptors, learners engage in in-depth work within a practice environment that reflects course outcomes. The practicum experiences offer learners an environment in which to apply their knowledge and skills. Practicum takes place at a professional site at which learners, with the support of program faculty and their on-site preceptors, participate in advanced practice initiatives. These could include program evaluation, quality improvement, and advanced practice techniques. Learners use the practicum experience to help them achieve the MSN program outcomes and competencies and the learning objectives related to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing.

Additionally, learners are required to document their practice practicum experience in associated online coursework. The associated practicum courses provide systematic opportunities for feedback and reflection. Practicum hours are considered complete once all program required practicum hours have been successfully achieved. Partial completion of practicum hours requirements cannot be verified for licensure or transfer of credits.

Get started today

Take the first step toward earning your degree and achieving your goals.

What can I expect in the courseroom?

With GuidedPath, each unit consists of readings, discussions and other activities you will be expected to complete throughout the week. Most deadlines for coursework occur on Thursdays and/or Sundays but may vary by program and course. In each course, you will receive a detailed scoring guide that describes expectations for every graded assignment.

With FlexPath, you set your deadlines within the first 12 days of each course. Take one or two courses at a time and complete them on your schedule. While these deadlines can be adjusted at any time after you set them, you’ll be required to engage in a course activity at least once every 28 days and finish each course within 12 weeks. You’ll use the same quick and seamless process for submitting assessments for every course. A scoring guide explains what you’ll be evaluated on, and a competency map shows your progress.

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How will I be graded?

With GuidedPath, grades are based on your participation in weekly reading discussions and completion of assignments, based on criteria outlined in the rubric. You will also be assessed on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of expected outcomes for your program or specialization. These outcomes are based on the needs and performance standards of your field or discipline.

With FlexPath, each course is based on a set of competencies, which are further broken down into criteria. A criterion is a specific step in demonstrating a competency. You’ll have a scoring guide that explains competencies and each criterion. As you complete assessments, your score on each criterion is evaluated against this scoring guide. Each time you receive an evaluation on a criterion, your competency map will update to reflect your progress. To pass a course, you must meet the minimum level requirement set by your program for every competency in the course.

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Ready to take the next step?

Learning online doesn’t mean going it alone. Help is here, from checking in with faculty and academic coaches, to getting help with financing questions and tutoring. Plus, you’ll have a supportive community of students who are as passionate about their careers as you are about yours.