Master of Science in Education English Language Learning and Teaching courses

English Language Learning and Teaching coursework overview

Coursework tailored to your learning preferences

  • Capella sets the deadlines
  • Weekly online interactions
  • Learn on your time
  • Online

Planning for your degree

  • total quarter credits:
  • Quarter length: 10 weeks
  • Course length: 10 weeks
  • Break: 3 weeks between quarters

Course requirements

  • Core 6 courses
  • Specialization 4 courses
  • Capstone 1 course

Example program course sequence

This example course sequence takes course prerequisites into account, so it can be helpful as a general guide when you register for courses. In GuidedPath, the number of courses you take in a quarter and time it takes to complete your program can vary. Your academic coach can help answer any course registration questions.


At least 46 quarter credits

One or more courses in this program may require a prerequisite(s). Refer to the course descriptions for details.

Learners who do not complete all program requirements within quarter credit/program point minimums will be required to accrue such additional quarter credits/program points as are associated with any additional or repeat coursework necessary for successful completion of program requirements.

This specialization is not designed to lead to license, endorsement, other professional credential, or salary advancement. Contact your school district for a determination on qualifications for salary advancement.

Multiple specializations available (must be within the same degree program)

Get started today

Take the first step toward earning your degree and achieving your goals.

What can I expect in the courseroom?

Each unit consists of readings, discussions and other activities you will be expected to complete throughout the week. Most deadlines for coursework occur on Thursdays and/or Sundays but may vary by program and course. In each course, you will receive a detailed scoring guide that describes expectations for every graded assignment.

Explore the Capella courseroom ->

How will I be graded?

Grades are based on your participation in weekly reading discussions and completion of assignments, based on criteria outlined in the rubric. You will also be assessed on your ability to demonstrate an understanding of expected outcomes for your program or specialization. These outcomes are based on the needs and performance standards of your field or discipline.

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Ready to take the next step?

Learning online doesn’t mean going it alone. Help is here, from checking in with faculty and academic coaches, to getting help with financing questions and tutoring. Plus, you’ll have a supportive community of students who are as passionate about their careers as you are about yours.