Classroom Management Strategies
4 quarter credits
Learners in this course apply strategies for managing diverse and challenging student behaviors and develop the skills needed to create classroom environments that maximize the opportunity for each student to learn. This course emphasizes the roles, rights, and responsibilities of all stakeholders under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Section 504 legislation. This course requires access to a P-12 classroom and/or educational stakeholders in a P-12 school or district.
4 quarter credits
Curriculum Mapping: Reflection and Practice
4 quarter credits
Learners formulate a research-based professional vision for curriculum design and develop a curriculum for a specific content and grade-level application using computer-based curriculum mapping applications. Learners who have taken ED8533 should not take ED5533. Rather, they should choose any other graduate-level education course to fulfill their specialization requirements. Prerequisite: ED5500
4 quarter credits
Program Evaluation of Curriculum and Instruction
4 quarter credits
Learners in this course examine theories, concepts, definitions, and models associated with the improvement of curriculum and instruction. Learners collect and organize research, analyze and report data, and complete a program evaluation that demonstrates the integral role of program evaluation in curriculum and instruction improvement. This course requires access to a P-12 classroom and/or educational stakeholders in a P-12 school or district. Prerequisite(s): ED5533.
4 quarter credits
Standards-Based Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
4 quarter credits
In this course, learners examine national and state learning standards related to their content area or grade level. Learners utilize research-based curriculum to craft assessments that are aligned to standards, and implement instruction that is meaningful to students and supports their academic achievement. This course requires access to a P-12 classroom and/or educational stakeholders in a P-12 school or district.
4 quarter credits