Core Your DBA Journey
6 quarter credits
In this first course, learners analyze the components of a business problem. Learners use critical thinking models and practices, including the role of assumptions, to identify business problem scenarios. Learners practice professional- and business-writing, acquire library skills, network with peers and doctoral support services, and learn new technological and reflective tools for further development and independent thought. Must be taken during the learner's first quarter. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Core Effective Organizational Leadership
6 quarter credits
Learners in this course investigate business problems in information systems, management, and marketing experienced by leaders. Learners examine models and theories found in current scholarly and practitioner literature. Additionally, learners analyze project-based problem solving.
6 quarter credits
Core Addressing Problems in Human Resources and Compliance
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners analyze project-based concepts in human resources, business law, business ethics, and re-skilling of talent pools in the global environment. Learners examine business ethical compliance using value- and rule-based argumentation. Learners evaluate secondary data sources to perform due diligence when creating objective, fact-based, unbiased analyses.
6 quarter credits
Core Strategic Decision Making
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners identify strategic decision-making models and theories to assist in solving business financial problems. Learners apply economic and managerial accounting data and management theories to business strategy decisions. Learners cultivate skills using decision and visualization tools, logic frameworks, and intuitive knowledge. Additionally, learners gain an understanding of gap analysis within the project perspective.
6 quarter credits
Core Teaching Business in Higher Education
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners develop a personal teaching philosophy regarding teaching practices, methods, models, and strategies within the fields of business and supply chain management. Learners create instructional plans and measurable assessments for higher business education within adult-learning frameworks. Additionally, learners write portions of business courses and assess curriculum.
6 quarter credits
Core Survey of Research Methods
4 quarter credits
Learners read critically and evaluate research in order to gain an understanding of the scientific methods of inquiry and the ethical considerations of research. Learners become educated consumers and creators of research. Additionally, learners use their research design skills to analyze and apply research methodologies, validity, reliability and other components of scientific research related to their field of interest.
4 quarter credits
Specialization Course Leadership Theory and Practice
4 quarter credits
In this course, learners analyze the literature on leadership styles and theories, as well as more practical aspects of creative thinking. Throughout the course, learners cultivate their literature knowledge with scholarly and practical content from completed research studies. Learners also identify gaps in practice using established methods of gap analysis and consider specific actionable responses to the gaps. Learners investigate an array of leadership project ideas and current scenarios based on real world problems as found in the business literature. Prerequisite(s): DB8420 or DHA8032. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
4 quarter credits
Core Qualitative Design and Analysis
4 quarter credits
Learners in this course assess the fundamental concepts needed to conduct qualitative research. Learners practice qualitative research techniques; appropriate applications of qualitative research; the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research design, sampling, and analysis and their associated interdependencies; and leverage technology when applicable. Learners also determine the steps necessary to ensure human subjects protection, and consider methodological adaptations when conducting research with vulnerable and diverse populations. Prerequisite: PhD in Psychology learners must have completed RSCH7020.
4 quarter credits
Specialization Course High Performance Leadership
4 quarter credits
Learners in this course analyze the literature within the leadership concepts surrounding high performance leadership. Learners identify the concepts of reskilling management using the frameworks and theories within human resource management toward creating high performing teams and leaders. Learners gain an understanding of high performing teams, high performance work practices, and various leadership development methods. Learners examine the values, thinking, and practices that need to be developed to be a high-impact leader. Learners discover ways to create meaningful and measurable outcomes as leaders. Prerequisite(s): DB8610 or DB8710.
4 quarter credits
Core Quantitative Design and Analysis
4 quarter credits
Learners gain an understanding of the logic, computation, and interpretation of statistics, with an emphasis on decision-making skills in the research process and on the application and interpretation of statistical results. Learners utilize the statistical program JASP to practice running and interpreting statistical analyses.
4 quarter credits
Specialization Course Catalysts for Change
4 quarter credits
In this course, learners examine literature within the leadership concepts surrounding changing employee behaviors, enterprise agility, agile workforce transformation, and leading complex change. Learners investigate unique frameworks and tools proven to assist in creating a project about leading teams for growth and change, leading through crises, leading transformational change, and other relevant and current topics in leadership. Learners gain the knowledge and skills necessary to collect and analyze data using various techniques, while also acquiring certification to ethically conduct human subject research. Prerequisite(s): DB8620 or DB8720. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
4 quarter credits
Specialization Course Seminar: Leadership Topic Development
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners create an individualized project topic within the specialization of organizational leadership using the capstone template. Learners write the initial portion of their project proposal, including their problem of practice, topic background, project justification and framework, and a preliminary project plan. Learners identify how research is disseminated, including through the use of presentations within their industry and professional communities of practice. Learners must achieve capstone project topic approval from multiple approvers to move beyond this course. Prerequisite DB8630, RSCH7860, RSCH7864, RSCH7868 Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Specialization Course Seminar: Leadership Literature Review
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners write the literature review for their individual projects. Learners create synthetic reviews of the literature supporting their topic, their planned technique for collecting data, and their applied framework, theory, concept, or model which grounds their project. Learners must achieve capstone literature review approval from multiple approvers to move beyond this course. Prerequisite(s): DB8640. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Doctoral Project Proposal Writing
6 quarter credits
In this course, learners select their project method, data analysis technique, scholarly framework, and participant pool for their project. Learners utilize previous course learning, artifacts, and tools to create an individualized project proposal, including an appropriate data collection plan and Institutional Review Board (IRB) screening form, while conducting tests and reviews of data collection instruments. Grading for this course is S/NS. Prerequisite(s): DB8650 or DB8750 or DB8850. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Doctoral Project Data Analysis Practice and IRB Approval
6 quarter credits
Learners gain the knowledge and skills necessary to collect data using appropriate, ethical, and structured processes as described in an approved project proposal (collection may occur if IRB approval is received). Throughout the course, learners analyze datasets and writing results. Learners seek and identify potential communities of interest for project result dissemination. Grading for this course is S/NS. Prerequisite: DB9801. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Doctoral Project Project Results
6 quarter credits
Learners complete data collection and analyze and write the results, findings, implications, and conclusions of their projects. Learners finalize their overall project template and submit it for review and approval. Additionally, learners build a plan for presenting the results of their project. Grading for this course is S/NS. Prerequisite: DB9802. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits
Doctoral Project Final Reviews and Presentation
6 quarter credits
Learners integrate feedback to improve and enhance their project into a final, school-approved study. Learners assess the artifacts and items included in the required e-portfolio. Additionally, learners write an abstract for dean approval and present a poster session to practice the dissemination of research findings. Grading for this course is S/NS. Prerequisite: DB9803. Cannot be fulfilled by transfer.
6 quarter credits