
What can you do with a bachelor’s in psychology?

June 13, 2017

Many people with a bachelor’s in psychology work in a field related to behavioral or social services, but there are also diverse career opportunities in such fields as business, nonprofits, and other arenas.

Here’s a look at different fields to consider with a bachelor’s in psychology.

Human resource manager

Human resource professionals are often expected to resolve workplace conflict, boost communication, and be diplomatic in interpersonal relationships. Many employers are looking for HR professionals who have a natural understanding and interest in human behavior and psychology.

Individuals with a bachelor’s degree in psychology can be hired into human resource positions. However, candidates need a combination of education and several years of related work experience to become a human resources manager

Daily Responsibilities:

  • Plan, direct, and coordinate the administrative functions of an organization.
  • Oversee recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new employees.
  • Serve as a liaison between management and employees.

Market research analyst

Market research analysts help their clients or business understand who their potential customers are, what they want, and how much they are willing to pay to get it. Typically, research analysts can enter the field with a bachelor’s degree in a range of disciplines including statistics, business administration, social sciences, and psychology.

Because of the need for an understanding of consumer buying habits and needs, a psychology degree can be a good fit for this role.

Daily Responsibilities:

  • Research customers’ opinions, buying habits, preferences, and wants/needs.
  • Create and evaluate methods for collecting consumer data, such as surveys, interviews, questionnaires, and polls.
  • Work with other internal departments to present reports to clients and management.

Community service manager

Community service managers plan, coordinate, and direct community-based service programs within nonprofit or governmental organizations. A psychology background can be useful for effectively leading teams and managing various constituencies within community programs.

Community service managers usually need at least a bachelor’s degree and some work experience.

Daily Responsibilities:

  • Work directly with a specific community to identify problems within these populations.
  • Research and design programs to address problems within communities.
  • Analyze community data, write grant proposals, and oversee staff.

Corrections officer

Corrections officers oversee individuals who have been arrested and are awaiting trial or who have already been sentenced to serve prison time. Most corrections officers work within jails and prisons at the federal, state, and local government levels, and are expected to supervise prisoners’ daily activities, enforce discipline, and inspect facilities.

A bachelor’s in psychology can be helpful as corrections officers work with different populations and encounter a wide range of normal and abnormal human behaviors.

Daily Responsibilities:

  • Supervise prisoners and enforce discipline.
  • Ensure security within the facility to prevent prisoner injuries or escape.
  • Visit prisoner cells to check for illegal substances or weapons.

Behavioral technician

Behavioral health technicians, also called psychiatric technicians, help doctors and nurses treat patients who have various behavioral problems, such as substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental instability, and physical and emotional abuse. These individuals may often work within hospitals, homeless shelters, and mental health facilities. They are expected to understand and implement individual treatment plans, record patient behavior, and help provide a safe environment for the patients.

A bachelor’s degree in psychology, in addition to on-the-job training, will prepare individuals to take on the daily responsibilities of a behavioral technician.

Daily responsibilities:

  • Care for people who have mental illness and behavioral disabilities.
  • Monitor patient’s behaviors and conditions.
  • Aid patients with their daily activities to ensure safety.

Further your career in psychology with an advanced degree

If you’re interested in continuing a career in a psychology-related field, you may pursue an advanced degree, such as a master’s or doctoral degree in psychology. A master’s degree in psychology can open the door for leadership or consulting roles in business, research roles at the state or government level, or counseling positions in health care or mental health facilities.

In addition to licensure, a PhD or professional doctorate in psychology is the pathway to becoming a psychotherapist or other licensed professional in the field, such as a child psychologist, clinical psychologist, or psychology professor.

Learn more about Capella University’sBachelor of Science in Psychologyand Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Pre-Counseling programs.

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