
5 ways a doctoral degree could help you reach your potential

October 1, 2023

Reading time: 3–4 minutes

There’s a lot to think about when considering going for a doctorate – what program, what field, what to research and how? But the ultimate question might be, will earning a doctoral degree help me reach my potential?

Garvey House, PhD, the academic director of doctoral affairs at Capella University, and Freda Hartman, PhD, faculty chair for Capella’s Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) programs, share five benefits a doctoral degree may provide.

1. Helps you develop advanced problem-solving skills

“Employers are looking for executive-level employees with excellent problem-solving skills,” says House.

Problem-solving skills can be developed throughout a doctoral program, from coursework through the final project.

“The problems that face business and industry today are complex and require a different type of thinking – that includes problem-solving skills that are only taught at the doctoral level.”

2. Presents skills you can apply to reaching your goals

“You’ll encounter ideas, concepts and skills in a doctoral degree program that can be applied in a number of different ways,” says House.

“There are various types of research methods. Data analysis, and the knowledge, tools and resources to apply to expertise in a broad range of situations. Some very universal capabilities are developed in doctoral studies.”

“For instance, someone with a Doctor of Information Technology (DIT) degree may explore different avenues for putting their training to work,” notes House. “So many different paths can be associated with the credential.”

A professional doctorate, like the DBA, is another option for people with a strong interest in business. “The DBA gives students the foundation of the practical side of business,” Hartman says.

3. Offers applicable knowledge in both academic and nonacademic settings

Academia is just one pathway for people who hold doctoral degrees in our time.

“The capacity for problem-solving and data analysis isn’t just relevant to professors anymore,” House notes. “Skills like that can be applied in a number of different ways, depending on the interests and expertise of the given person.”

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Explore the doctoral journey

4. Supports ongoing development of critical communication skills

Doctoral programs can potentially help students develop good communication, critical thinking and writing skills. “The writing skills improve continuously through the final research project.” says House.

A second part of communication involves learning to communicate with teams and how to take feedback. Doctoral students quickly realize that they will get feedback – lots of it – on their projects.

Learning not to take criticism personally and making use of it to improve their projects are skills that can help individuals grow and advance toward their goals.

5. Potential to increase credibility and opportunity

Less tangible is the possibility of increasing credibility and opportunity. A doctoral degree is a significant undertaking that can be seen as representative of commitment and perseverance.

“The determination and persistence demonstrated through the doctoral process reflects skills that may help a person find their peak potential,” says Hartman.

There are many factors to think about when considering getting a doctoral degree. The intense focus on a particular field of study, the dedication and perseverance in completing high-level research projects and the ability to follow lines of inquiry to their solution – all are characteristics of a doctoral degree program that can lead to a person realizing their potential.

Capella University offers PhD and professional doctorate degree programs in business, information technology, education, nursing, health care, psychology, counseling, social work and public service. Learn more about Capella’s doctoral degree programs.

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